Post category: Camping tips
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Introducing Pawna Camping a child to nature is a good way to keep them grounded to the roots and teach them to be in alignment with the Mother Nature. And what can be the best way than camping? However, it is good to do some research before taking your baby for camping irrespective of you being an experienced camper or a newbie. So, here are some tips to make your baby comfortable during camping and keep stress of carrying a baby at bay.
Choosing the right locations is the key here! Official Chillout pawna Camping
If it is a first time your baby is goingfor camping, you better choose a place which is near from your home. Choosing a campsite, even ifit is far from your home, with basic amenities will reduce a lot of stress. If possible fine a shady place which is not too close to others. Getting the right campsite is like winning half battle.
Get a large tent
It goes without saying. A large tent gives you ample of space to keep a portable crib which pose as a great tool to keep your baby safe and engaged. You can also carry a portable play yard if you have one. Regardless, you need to understand that camping with a baby certainly doesn’t guarantee you a planned night. Just be ready and prepared for surprises.
No experimentation with your baby’s food
Breastfeeding is the best option but you can also keep some baby food handy if your child has started having solid foods. Do not forget tokeep clean water to mix the formulawith. If your baby is eating pureed food, get it in squeezable packs which are easy to pour the food from and easy to store as well. You can feed your baby what you are eating for dinner but it is never a good idea to experiment with your baby’s food while camping.
Dress your baby in layered cloths
It is a good way to keep baby warm. Climate changes are unpredictable and thus you must be ready with extra cloths and blankets as the situation demands.
Protection from sun and bugs
Do we need to tell you this? Alright,here you no! sunscreen and bug/mosquito repellent lotions/creams are must to carry essential when your baby is out for camping. Apart from that, as mentioned above, layered cloths, long sleeves shirts must be in your bag. Putting an umbrella and a net around baby’s crib also serve the purpose.